Muscle Glycogen Fat
for Fuel

fat Increase
Muscle not
f a t
Glycogen, the storage form of glucose, performs the opposite function of glucagon. Glycogen itself is not stored as fat; rather, consuming more calories than you can burn leads to an increase in body fat. Glycogen is vital for muscle building during and after workouts, serving as a primary energy source for skeletal muscle during strenuous activities like weightlifting or high-intensity training. All food consumed is converted into energy and then metabolized to prevent it from being stored as excess fat.
Glycogen, stored in the liver and skeletal muscle, requires a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fats for maintenance. Unregulated blood sugar levels can lead to the formation of glycogen as stored fat, resulting in weight gain if not immediately utilized, especially for those with low daily energy expenditure.
For serious athletes and individuals engaged in strength and power training, muscle glycogen is crucial; its depletion can cause increased fatigue and exhaustion during exercise. However, most recreational athletes and beginners can maintain adequate glycogen levels through a balanced diet without the need for carbohydrate supplementation.
In summary, glycogen is not directly converted into fat; rather, it serves as a crucial energy source that supports muscle growth. A robust and efficient metabolism ensures immediate utilization of this energy, aiding in weight management and contributing to a highly effective pro ripped max fat burner metabolism and a leaner abdomen.
fat Increase
Muscle not
f a t
Accelerated metabolism rate isn’t just about taming untamed blood sugar to prevent fat accumulation; it’s also about managing weight gain, whether you aim to look leaner, broader, or more toned. Many individuals who lose weight actually reduce their fat stores during a catabolic state, as well as maintain sufficient muscle in an anabolic state to build more than they break down. Consuming fats with carbohydrate foods in the correct amount can help increase muscle size while also burning overall body subcutaneous fat.”
Burn belly fat
Eat Your
Own Fat
In Europe, individuals tend to have a lower body weight compared to those in America and the UK. For example, in Africa, the rich soil contributes to a diet that supports strong bone structure. They experience fewer dental issues, cavities, or joint problems. In contrast, people in America and the UK often require regular dental visits. The healthiness of food is directly related to the richness of the soil it grows in, which is rich in minerals essential for the synthesis of vitamins by plants.
Pro RIPPED max FAT burner muscle fuel SLIMBO DOWN
Combine Power Foods

Foods to trigger glycogen the preferred energy source maintains muscle building during after work out
Glucagon Pro Ripped Max Fat Burner hormone depletes glucose levels and weight loss

dont lose weight TO GET
HEALTHY get healthy to
lose weight
Weight is a symptom, not the cause, of unhealthy diets. As we age, it becomes more challenging to lose weight due to two sets of hormones that are specifically designed to suppress the metabolic rate in relation to weight loss.
Glycogen is a better preferred energy source it is directly related to glucose (sugar)(calorie) stored as fat it comes from a carbohydrate converted to glucose which then forms glycogen it is mainly stored in the muscles or liver, it is great for muscle building during and after workout but not for fat burning to lose weight.
On the other hand glucagon in metabolic process is a pro ripped max fat burning hormone allowing stored fat to be used as energy converting glucose to fuel enabling weight loss. Fat loss and glucagon focuses on hormones rather than just calories keeping blood sugars low is essential when losing weight because sugar take precedence over fat burning. When losing weight dont just think calories also think hormones.
Blood Glucose Levels
Intermittent Fasting
Blood glucose levels are regulated by the interaction of insulin, glucagon, and glycogen, which work together to release hormones that manage blood sugar. This includes a strategic dietary approach like intermittent fasting, which alternates between fasting and eating periods. It’s especially relevant for individuals with type 2 diabetes in managing insulin and glucagon levels and the breakdown of glycogen in the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream.
During intermittent fasting, blood glucose levels decrease, prompting the pancreas to release more glucagon. Insulin, also produced by the pancreas, is released when blood sugar levels rise, such as after eating. Intermittent fasting interacts with insulin and glucagon to help promote the breakdown of glycogen, regulating metabolism and muscle growth.
Intermittent fasting also benefits from metabolic switching, where the body transitions from using glucose to ketones for energy during fasting periods.
It takes two:-
Anabolism – Catabolism
Metabolism is made
up of two components
Anabolism, derived from “throw up,” encompasses all cellular construction processes, including muscle growth, tissue regeneration, hair renewal, and other restorative activities that occur repeatedly throughout a lifetime. It is responsible for the synthesis of complex molecules during anabolism amino acids are combined to form proteins.
Catabolism, meaning “throw down,” refers to all processes that break down energy or tissues. This includes the utilization of carbohydrates that accelerate metabolism rate when converted into glucose to form glucagon to burn off body fat also lose weight and glycogen to use as energy during exercise to maintain muscle and muscle growth. It also involves the breakdown of muscle protein to produce energy and the removal of old or damaged cells. Together, these processes form the intricate system of metabolic rate that leads to efficient fat loss and muscle definition.
Anabolism +
Catabolism ⇐⇒ Equals
Individuals aiming to gain muscle mass must maintain an anabolic state, which involves building up more than they break down. This is crucial for achieving the goal of increasing muscle mass, as well as enhancing the shape and size of muscles. To facilitate muscle growth, it is necessary to consume a diet rich in carbohydrates, as muscles and fat have distinct behaviours within the body.
Both Working
Together In Harmony
Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, thus it demands more calories to maintain. When building muscle mass, carbohydrates, or calories, are not the enemy; they provide the necessary energy to power through workouts and exercises, accelerating the metabolic rate. Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy to fuel muscle building it is harder to gain extra weight when your body has more muscle than body fat.
Muscle Building
Requires Plenty
are not your enemy;
calories need to be
expended through
Fat Burning
rather than remaining
as stored fat
within the fat cells
On the other hand, individuals aiming to lose weight need to be in a catabolic state to reduce fat stores, but they also require an anabolic state to maintain sufficient muscle mass, which is crucial. Weight loss entails reducing body fat, which is achieved by building and maintaining lean muscle.
Muscle mass burns more calories than fat, as it is denser and takes up less space. This can lead to a reduction in waistlines, a decrease in belly fat, and even smaller clothing sizes. Weight gain is often linked to an anabolic state, resulting in higher glucose levels.
This glucose, produced in response to insulin from carbohydrate consumption, is converted into glycogen, which is primarily stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen acts as a readily available energy source when glucose levels drop. During and after exercise, glycogen is broken down as part of the fat-burning process, triggered by the hormone glucagon, which helps maintain optimal muscle growth and definition.
On Fat
However, for effective weight loss, being in a catabolic s\tate is necessary so your body can efficiently metabolize and decrease fat stored as glycogen. This requires depleting stored glucose first, allowing your metabolism to shift towards burning fat through the action of the hormone glucagon.
This metabolic approach involves steering clear of high-sugar carbohydrates (simple carbs) and emphasizing the intake of more animal proteins and fats, along with a diverse array of fiber-dense, low-sugar carbohydrates (complex carbs).
stacking the odds
feel fuller longer
∑∀⊥ with Fat
The best foods for high metabolism are protein, fat, fiber, and carbohydrates are crucial for maintaining efficient daily metabolic processes, such as energy burning and cell building. These processes depend on your metabolic rate. Importantly, the foods you consume in your daily diet are determined by your metabolism rate, which is responsible for burning fat. As we age, our ability to metabolize fat diminishes.
losing lean muscle
means your body
needs less fuel
As you age, your body’s metabolic rate slows down, making it easier to gain weight. Hormone levels decrease, and we start to lose lean muscle—approximately 6.5 pounds with each passing decade of adult life. With less muscle, our bodies burn fewer calories, which means we require less fuel.
Gives In To
Consuming more food than necessary leads to the excess being stored as fat. In women, this fat typically accumulates around the hips and thighs, while in men, it often gathers around the waist, giving rise to an apple-shaped appearance of surplus belly fat.
no to apple shaped
belly fat yes to
pear shaped
butt and thighs
An excessive caloric intake combined with a decreased metabolic rate can be a dangerous mix. Fat accumulation is not just about gaining an extra inch around the waist; it affects the entire body. Understanding the impact of excess body fat is crucial, and unless you’re an athlete or highly active throughout the day, consuming an abundance of carbohydrate-rich foods may not be advisable.
Grasping the role of glucose is crucial since it’s a form of blood sugar that occurs naturally in our bloodstream. It acts as the preferred energy source for the body, circulating in the blood and relying on enzymes to initiate metabolism. The body transforms the majority of ingested carbohydrates into glucose, which is either immediately used for energy or stored as glycogen in muscle cells and the liver for later use.
In Calories
Do Not Equal
To The Common
Denominator As
Once Thought
Until recently, calorie intake was considered the primary factor in weight loss or gain. However, we now understand that the impact of various nutrients on the body means that simply counting calories may not be so straightforward; in this context, one plus one might not always equal two. The body processes ‘natural foods’ differently compared to highly processed sugars and fats. Naturally occurring foods rarely contain high levels of both sugar and fat.
Our ancient ancestors never encountered high levels of sugar and fat in the bloodstream simultaneously. This modern combination, created by man, can be troublesome as it essentially encourages fat storage. This occurs because a surge of sugar triggers an insulin response to the abnormally high levels. Insulin then prompts the body to store the excess fat circulating in the bloodstream.
Unless You Are
An Athlete Or
Use Up Energy
The Day
Foods Are
Not For You
Glucose metabolism is insulin-dependent consuming processed carbohydrate foods can cause them to break down too quickly in the bloodstream and convert into sugar, which is then stored as energy in fat cells, potentially leading to weight gain. Unless you’re an athlete or expend a lot of energy during the day, reducing carbohydrate intake can be an effective strategy that will accelerate metabolism rate. This involves cutting back on refined carbohydrates like cornflakes, white toast, pasta, rice, pastries, sweets, biscuits, and certain fruits to avoid sugar spikes that trigger insulin, as well as avoiding hidden sugars in processed foods.
Reducing the consumption of fast-release sugars is crucial, as they often lead to fat and sugar accumulation. One effective method is to eliminate sugared beverages like sodas and juices, opting instead for water and milk. Consuming a balanced mix of high-quality proteins, fats, and fibers from unrefined carbohydrates can help prevent sugar overload. For instance, eating fish with a side of fiber-rich vegetables can moderate insulin activity, preventing glucose production when short-term energy reserves are full, thus avoiding the typical fat storage response.
You must reduce fast release sugar consumption because this will always be fat and sugar combined the easiest means of accomplishing this fete is to also remove sugared beverages soda juices and stick to water and milk. Eat a combination of the best protein fat and fiber of unrefined carbohydrates foods will help stop the sugar glut. A piece of fish with plenty carbohydrate fiber vegetables will stop insulin in your body from making glucose because short term energy stores that are already full the same dramatic fat storing response will not occur.
Ketones Muscle Growth Support With Glycogen
Glucose in the bloodstream, which is stored as fat, it is a direct response to insulin and cannot be lost as weight due to sugar levels in your body. Before weight loss can commence, you must eliminate all sugar stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Once the insulin hormone has been gradually depleted, your metabolism can begin burning fat, triggered by the hormone glucagon, which forces the body to seek an alternative energy source and use stored fat, providing a more efficient and better energy source than glucose. If you’re struggling to lose weight, it may be because your body has been relying on sugar stored as glycogen, which must be eliminated before fat burning can start.
Adopting a ketones muscle growth support lifestyle which includes a combination of strength training cardiovascular exercise helps build muscle and aids in burning fat ensure you consume enough protein to support muscle growth. When you gain muscle it is far harder to gain weight, muscle is much more dense utilizing ketones, whereas utilizing glucose as energy you only are running on sugar which is counter productive and gives way to yo yo weight loss diets, if you do not expend energy throughout the day.
more muscle glycogen
harder to
gain weight
The minimum number of calories required for a person to live is determined by the energy needed to maintain vital functions at complete rest, known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in a fasting individual. BMR encompasses involuntary functions such as breathing and blood circulation; having more muscle mass typically means a higher BMR.
Muscle mass is metabolically active, requiring more energy to maintain than fat. Gaining muscle is challenging as it is denser than fat. With increased muscle mass, you burn more calories, which can lead to weight loss and accelerated metabolism rate, even while at rest.
Night Time Fat Burner Resting Metabolic Rate
Activity Level
Sedentary: Mostly inactive.
Moderately Active: Engages in moderate-intensity exercise 3-5 days per week.
Very Active: Has a physical job or follows an athlete’s training schedule.
Daily Calories Needed
Sedentary (mostly inactive) – 1.2
Moderately Active (moderate intensity exercise 3-5 days per week) – 1.5
Very Active (physical job and athlete training schedule) – 2.0
Alternatively, to calculate the accelerated metabolism of a very active individual, the formula would be:
80 kg x 25 = 2,000; then 2,000 x 2 = 4,000. Thus, the daily caloric requirement for a very active person is 4,000 calories.
not all calories are created equal
single out sugar the science of the hormone called insulin
Fats in protein foods are neutral and do not significantly spike insulin levels. In the body, fats do not dissolve completely; they emulsify into small droplets, allowing them to reform into reusable fat that can be utilized again for energy. Once the fat has been
metabolized, they are released into the bloodstream and can be used for energy or storage. Incorporating more rip fats, protein, and fiber-rich foods in your meals can enhance a more effective and improve metabolic rate, helping to burn fat more efficiently.
you dont have to be a top athlete or muscle builder to get ripped around the muscle
For those looking to lose excess body weight, combining fat high protein or plant-based protein sources with plenty of fiber-rich, low-carbohydrate vegetables in your daily meal plan can be beneficial. This combination of optimal fat and weight loss food sources can help jump-start a metabolism boost and control hunger cravings.
The guidelines are straightforward: consume fewer high-sugar carbohydrates and more rich-fat foods to boost your metabolism, incorporating animal proteins, fats, and fiber into your daily diet. You can achieve both fat loss and muscle gain; you don’t need to be an elite bodybuilder to get defined muscles.
Note: Firstly, it is not possible to lose 14 pounds of fat in fourteen days; it is only safe to lose two to three pounds of pure fat per week without resorting to starvation or dangerous exhaustive exercise. Much of the weight loss from your body will be water retention, which comes from years of consuming dietary foods. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrate-processed foods
Consuming common sugars and starches can add pounds and inches to your belly, creating a relentless cycle. By avoiding processed foods and hidden sugars, and choosing the right carbohydrate-rich foods with ample fiber, you can alleviate hunger, detoxify your body, and harmonize your hormones. These aren’t diet foods; they are everyday, normal foods devoid of hidden sugars.